These images are beautiful. Maine always gives a good haunting vibe.

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The Maine coast is haunting, for sure. Thank you for the kinds words.

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These photographs are fantastic. I love the mood. Could be the start from a Stephen King novel... Well done.

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Thank you.

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Lovely photos Mark! Cedar Shingles aka Cedar Shakes and red paint are both quintessential New England. And, as you noted Lubec is definitely for Lubecians and they do like it that way. A little more so than Eastport. Folks love when their summer residents arrive and they also appreciate the arrival of an occasional cruise ship or two during the summer.

Curious where in Mass you grew up?

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Yes, shakes! I'm embarrassed. The years have done my word recall in! Born m Brockton then Middleboro, then Pittsfield. School in Williamstown.

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Beautiful area, the Berkshires. I haven't spent much time out there.

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My brother is an engineer in Salem and focuses his time on water quality as it relates to climate change. He lived in Neeburyport for years. I recently read Andre Dubus' memoir, Townie. Loved it. Not exactly your town, but close by.

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Actually Newburyport is my town. I grew up in West Newbury and then Newburyport. I loved to L.A. in 1990, Eastport in Oct 2008, and then back to the NBPT area in Jun 2009. Newburyport is no longer a “Townie” town. It’s more nouveau these days. I enjoyed reading Townie, though Andre’s perceptions of NBPT are a bit different than nine in that time period.

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I love the images!

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Thank you!

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I'm curious. When mentioning "Lubec Downtown," what does that mean? As compared to a larger town/city.


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A street. Buildings on both sides of the street. Some of them inhabited, some not. The usual Inn, coffee shop, restaurant, gift shop, artist studio, post office, a library. 1/4 mile in length? Free parking. There was an article in the local Quoddy Tides, a weekly or biweekly and "the most easterly newspaper published in the U.S.," Quite a nice paper. It was an overview of a recent selectmen's meeting in the next town, referred locally as a "city". Someone brought up evidence of a possible homeless person having slept behind the library one recent night. Another member recalled last year's discussion of a homeless person sleeping in their car near the docks. A third ended the discussion by suggesting that they didn't need to pass new laws or regulations to address this issue, afterall it's an issue faced by cities across the country, but that they should all remain diligent and report when such similar evidence surfaces in the future.

Ok. Maybe "downtown" is overstated. Suggestions welcome.

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Mark, A city is incorporated under state law, a town is not. That's the difference between Lubec and Eastport, Eastport is incorporated.

Downtown is a looser term for Lubec I think than Eastport. There's a bit more going on in Eastport,

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Ahhh...I thought cities vs towns was a population thing. We have incorporated towns and incorporated cities here in Washington. I was confused with Eastport claiming city status. Someone at the Saturday market told me that they call themselves a city so they can lay claim to the "easternmost city" title.

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There's all sorts of layers to that debate. It's quite confusing. I think some of it also has to do with how the town or city is governed as well.

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Love the b&w with color spot images. They stand out and are well composed

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25Author

Thanks for your eyes and comment! I appreciate it. But to be honest, they are not black and white, they are full color. The fog muted all colors equally; the shingles and rooftops had very little color contrast between them. Now that you mention it, I can see how it appears to be color spotted, but the red trim is the only color that was perceivable on this particular morning. The lone metal roof has retained its brighter tone, though, as you can see.

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