Yes, beautiful photos! I read that Lubec was also good for birding. We are on our way to New Brunswick soon and I was looking at staying near Lubec at some point on the trip. Looks like a perfect place to unwind and unplug.

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Give Lubec a big Hey There for me! The best birding experience I had was outside the light house. Two huge eagles held court not more than 30 feet in the air above us, circling and circling. A few of us in cars got out to stare. Maybe 5 minutes. I've seen many eagles out here in the NW, but never so close. Breathtakingly close.

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Good to travel with you! Looks like a lovely place to dwell east. And western sunsets are inspiring too.

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Absolutely beautiful! The blues, the composition, the fog...

Early morning is such a great time of day. Thank you for sharing this!

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Very glad you like them.

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So beautiful, serene, peaceful. Thank you for sharing! 💜

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you're welcome, and thank you in return

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These are amazing. I love depictions of water and boats!

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Lovely photos!

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Stunning photos my favourite one is “why did we leave” it’s a beautiful one Mark.

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Thank you Shital. As you know, I paid a heavy price over the next several days of itching. But whatever inner peace I was unable to achieve taking it, I can now gain from looking at it. It's unlike any photo I've taken. Thank you for noticing.

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Stunning. I felt as if I was there at 5:30am with my Fuji absolutely giddy. Why did you leave again?


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As you know, there's no place like home, there's no place like. home.

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Beautiful captures of a beautiful state!

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Is is a beautiful state, people snd land and water.

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Pamela, those photos are exquisite! I'd still be sleeping, like your family, but thank you for being awake, taking those photos and sharing them with us! Truly beautiful, and so peaceful.

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Thank you Janine. I have a few more to share!

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Oh, I am sorry Mark, I thought Pamela took them. They are fabulous! As a MA resident I have gone to Maine many times over the years, usually in the York/Ogunquit/Wells area. Lubec looks magical!

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Nice to see photos that were taken thoughtfully, using techniques that I only remember from old film days.

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Thank you!

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Gorgeous photos Mark! Please do keep Lubec and the surrounding towns for Lubecians. That cove where you were staying is a very special place. A point of interest about Lubec being the easternmost municipality, is there is a long standing debate on that point. Lubec is the easternmost town, Eastport is the easternmost city and and Quoddy Point, where Quoddy Light stands is the actually easternmost "point." Looking forward to seeing more of your photos from Lubec!

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From an ex Lubecian (of sorts), your words mean a lot! Thank You. And yes, believe me, I heard all about the geographical sweepstakes debate!

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That debate has been going on for-f-ing-ever! You're photos have captured the lovely essence of the area so well. When I first moved to Eastport I met a man downtown when I was walking who told me that Campobello was a lot like Avalon. That vantage is there in Lubec too.

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Wow! What stellar views for a photography nerd to feast upon. You made all of what you are experiencing first hand a dream destination for those of us who haven't been to Lubec.

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Thx Wayne!

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Absolutely stunning photos, Mark. I can’t pick a favourite because they’re all wonderful. Enjoy the rest of your vacation.

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Thx Mark. You'd like Lubec. Very Canadian in its sensibility.

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We stayed in Maine a few years ago, just east of Bar Harbour near Schoodic Head. Absolutely loved it. Will definitely have to go back and visit Lubec.

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